Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back To School Drive of Delusion

In a matter of days I will be leaving the comfort of my bed, the warmth of my dog, the luxury of my mother's cooking, and the wonder of a washing machine that is not coin operated. That's right: I'm going back to school. 

The drive back to school after a long summer is almost as exciting as the drive home after an unbearably long school year. You've forgotten how annoying your friends are when drunk, and the fresh pens and notebooks in your backpack are just so empty and waiting to be used. You've convinced yourself that you'll go to the gym this semester because you live closer now, and an 8 am is totally doable now that you have some maturity and college experience under your belt. 

For your drive of delusion, I have shared my Back To School road trip playlist, full of catchy songs to get me excited for microwaved food and panic attacks. ((Really this can apply to any roadtrip of your choice))

Friday, August 2, 2013

A Balancing Act

So here I sit, at my 8-5 job, drinking too much coffee and cross checking my planner for a date in December.
It’s currently August.
Next to me is a scrawled list of To-Do notes, crossed out and added on, taking up a full page of my planner.
“Write up bio for LD, get dog food, double check housing contract. Connection??”
If there is anything I’ve learned in the past year, it is that I can be frighteningly organized, and that I am a work-a-holic.
To be frank, I hate school. I think that it’s the worst. But I love working. I love being organized. I love doing my mental checklist of the day, and then setting out with a plan. This coming school year I hope to balance being an editor at a student newspaper, being an associate editor of an online women’s magazine, work as a collegiate correspondent for USA Today, continue in the process of creating my major, while keeping up my GPA and maintaining my relationship.
Easy peasy, right?
I’m honestly excited though. August has just begun, and yet I’m already thinking about getting to my apartment, putting up my calendar, oraganizing my pinboard. I’ve already made a list of what I want to run through during my first meeting as Style editor for my school paper. I can’t wait to be busy, doing what I love,  and working hard for what I want.
I never used to be like this at all. I guess I’ve just turned into one of those kids.
Oh well.